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TkdTimes, Issue #002 -- By The Time You Read This, I'll Be In Korea!
July 01, 2008

This is the second issue of TkdTimes. The Free eZine of The Taekwondo Network. To help me make this newsletter as helpful and relevant as possible, I would enjoy your feedback. Simply email me your comments at I really appreciate it when you contact me directly.

If you enjoy TkdTimes, please email this copy to a friend. You can help me spread the joy of tae kwon do around the world. The more of us who walk the path, the greater the journey.

World Taekwondo Culture Expo

I Made It To Kukkiwon

I know I told you all about my impending trip to Korea forthe World Taekwondo Culture Expo July 4-11 in the lastissue of TkdTimes. Well, by the time you receive this, I'llbe sightseeing in Seoul. To see what my travel pals and Iare up to and experience the tae kwon do training,exhibitions, testing and more through my eyes, remember tovisit my blog:

As I mentioned last month, I will be bringing my laptop andI intend to post about our daily excursions from the DMZ toBuddhist Temples, karaoke and Kukkiwon. We'll include photostoo!

Alternative Health

Since the last issue, I've actually purchased a website thatI found very interesting. As you know, martial artists areoften taken with alternative medicine and alternative healthregimens as part of a healthy lifestyle.

It's not uncommon to have a training ache or pain and youcan always count on your taekwondo peers to offer the namesand phone numbers of their favorite chiropractor,acupuncturist or herbal remedy ingredient supplier.

After all, a serious martial artist is always trying toincrease their mental and physical health. With that thoughtin mind, I found a website for sale and bought it. It'scalled...


It's a nice little site with loads of interestinginformation on herbs, herbal remedies, vitamin supplements,teas and more. Take a look and tell me what you think. I'dlove to hear your suggestions for making it better and/ormore useful to visitors.

What's Happening at
The Taekwondo Network

Have you taken the Best Style Poll yet?

Lots of visitors to The Taekwondo Network like to share their style. I've created a poll so we can share and compare.

Take the Poll now by visiting the tae kwon do styles page and make yourself heard.

Here are the current standings:

WTF 30.8%
ITF 23.1%
ATA 23.1%
ITA 7.7%
Tang soo do 3.8%
Chung do kwan 7.7%
Other 3.8%

Don't be left out.

Your Feedback

Here is some more feedback I received from a visitor andwant to share it with you. I do enjoy hearing from you andalways respond though it may take this busy mother of threea few days to do it.

From the Feedback Form:

My children and I competed in a tournament yesterday herein NJ and although many of the competitors showed greatsportsmanship and grace regardless of their place in thevictors ring several did not and I would like your opinionon who you think I should send a letter to. I know themaster who sponsored the tournament tends to lean toward theobnoxious self-loving end of the spectrum and although hewill receive a copy I doubt it will have any effect on him.The incident that raised my ire involved a sparring matchbetween 2 15/16 year old black belt girls. One was form ourschool (I will call V) and I am not sure what school theother girl was from. From the start V's opponent was holdingthe hogu during the clench and full out punching to herhead--luckily most of the punches missed but the aimcouldn't be missed. At the end of the match V went shake herhand and the opponent swatted her hand away then shouldbutted V on the way past. Our Sabumnim was focusing on thefact that V was a little shaken from the last punch that hither square on the side of the head--hard and not theopponent's behavior so he didn't say anything but her couchwas acting as if she did a great job and deserved a pat onthe back. those of us watching all gasped and commented--I'msure loudly--what a poor sort and how she and her couchshould be ashamed and penalized for that horrific display ofbad sportsmanship. Yet nothing was done by the ref. or thesponsoring school. My children (ages 11, 91/2, & 6 1/2) allwere shocked by it as well and couldn't believe that she waspermitted to behave like that. We discussed the behaviorand how, unfortunately, there are some teachers who permitand even encourage that type of behavior and it doesn'tmean that we will ever accept it from any of our team buthow do you reconcile the children's watching the low blowsand bad sportsmanship and seeing it get rewarded with thetrue tenets of TKD? If it were your children what course ofaction would you take? Thank you, in advance, for anyinput.

And here was my response:

I am quite frankly stunned by the incident you relate. I'venever seen such blatant disregard for the rules of conductin sparring. Unfortunately, there are some bad-sports in theworld and you can usually count on a parent or coach tocorrect their conduct right away.

It seems in this case, absolutely no one did anycorrecting.

I can understand your wanting to write a letter. The Masterof the school sponsoring the tournament should definitely bemade aware of it. If there is any way you can find out whothe other coach was and let that Master know, they may findthemselves without an invitation to the next tournament thatschool sponsors.

The taekwondo community is actually very small in that allthe masters know each other or are one person away fromknowing each other. Word would get around of this conduct ifyou make it known.

Life is full of teaching moments isn't it? If your childrensaw this and knew it was wrong, they are definitely on theirway to knowing the "right action." I personally take thosetypes of moments to immediately point out to my sons thatsomeone's actions were wrong and why. Ask them what thatperson should or could have done instead so that I canunabashedly drill into their heads, my morals and sense ofright vs. wrong.

I feel that one of my most important functions as a parentis to raise self sustaining good citizens of the community.If I bring people into this world, then I owe it to everyoneon the planet to provide good stewards of the world. It's alofty goal, I know, but a good one.

I'm sure you have chosen the best course of action to makethe right individuals aware of this bad example of martialarts living. Let me know how it turns out; if anything comesof your voicing concerns.



I think it's important to share information and opinions.That's why I've created an area on Taekwondo-Network whereyou can share your questions or comments with all visitors.Please visit Your Feedback and leave your story for everyone to comment on.

And by all means, leave me your comments on this event. Howcan we all work toward teaching our youngest martial artiststhe right action?

Right Action

Well, that's the end of another edition of TkdTimes. I hope you've enjoyed it and found some useful information as well. Remember to share TkdTimes with your friends in martial arts. I want to reach as many martial arts enthusiasts as I can. We are a strong community with a great deal to share together. As always...

To your continued success.

Kam sa ham ni dah,


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