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{TkdTimes, Issue #009 -- Success in Tae Kwon Do}
February 05, 2009

Issue: 9 of TkdTimes. A Free eZine from The Taekwondo Network. To help me make this newsletter as helpful and relevant as possible, I would enjoy your feedback. Simply email me your comments to I really appreciate it when you contact me directly.

If you enjoy TkdTimes, please email this copy to a friend. You can help me spread the joy of tae kwon do around the world. The more of us who walk the path, the greater the journey.

Oh, if you need the link to the free clip art page again, here it is and thank you for signing up for the eZine.Free Clip Art

Success in Tae Kwon Do

New students frequently judge their success in tae kwon do by looking at senior belts. They frequently feel that they will never be as good at their tae kwon do technique.

To have difficulty learning a new technique is very normal. When you cannot stretch as far, kick as high or bend as low as more experienced students, be at peace because this is perfectly normal.

Success in tae kwon do is not gauged by how you compare to your peers. Tae kwon do training is a highly personal journey. Each small step you take brings you closer to reaching your personal goals.

The more time you spend training, the more your techniques will prosper. Eventually the day will arrive when a new student will look at you and feel they can never be as good in their technique.

But you will be able to share the great secret with them. Share the knowledge that not being able is normal. This is why we train. We all train very hard to reach higher levels of conditioning and ability.

With continued, consistent training and dedications, every student will reach their own personal goals and gain success in tae kwon do.

Success in Tae Kwon Do

Words We Use: Showing Respect

A great friend of mine, Master Linthorst, used to publish a column at our school called "Words We Use". I thought you might enjoy learning from her as I have.

In our daily tae kwon do training, many Korean terms are used. It's important that we as students make an effort to learn these terms and understand their importance in our training.

chon-gyong and chon-gyong-hada In the do jang we place a great deal of emphasis on respect. chon gyong means respect and chon gyong hada is to respect or to show respect. There are many ways we can demonstrate respect. For example, we bow to our juniors and seniors. We address fellow students and teachers by their titles like Sa bum nim or Master. We wear a clean uniform and properly tied belt. All of these actions are how we show respect. Chon gyong hada.

At TKDspace, we currently have over 1500 members with more joining every week. If you haven't already, I invite you to visit TKDspace and claim your free page. It's on me.

Use this invite link to join for free. Invite

What's Happening at
The Taekwondo Network?

Have you taken the Best Style Poll yet? Don't be left out!

I love polls. It's fun to find out what styles everyone studies.

Lots of visitors to The Taekwondo Network take the time to share their style.

You can take the poll now by visiting the tae kwon do styles page and share your style.

Here are the current standings:

WTF 26.5%
ITF 22.4%
ATA 12.9%
ITA 6.1%
Tang soo do 2.7%
Moo duk kwan 4.8%
Oh do kwan 7.5%
Chung do kwan 8.2%
Other 8.8%

A new "Other" submitted this month was:Taekwondo Comjuka

As most students who study tae kwon do know, WTF, ITF and ATA are the most popular styles around the globe and in the USA. Our informal poll is definitely falling in line with those results.

Your Feedback

Here is a question from a Taekwondo-Network visitor that I want to share it with you.

Courtney wrote: I am just starting out and I am a 34 year old woman who is about 204 pounds. I am working on losing weight. My balance for this is horrible, are there any exercises that I can do to improve balance? Do I let theinstructor know that I can't do sit ups for long periods of time because I had a Cesarean from the birth of my daughter 10 years ago and it is still very sensitive?

Thank you,


My response: Courtney,

Good luck,


I love it when we share information and opinions like Emmelin. So I have created an area on Taekwondo-Network where you can share your questions or comments with all visitors. Please visit Your Feedback and leave your story for everyone to comment and learn from.

Nominate Your Master

I would really like to ad pages to the Master's section of the site. Send me an essay about your Master so I can begin a library on the great Masters out there teaching tae kwon do to the students who enjoy The Taekwondo Network. Let's work together to give them the recognition they deserve.

Tae kwon do Master

Soon, I will create an invitation page where you can write about your Master directly online for more immediate publishing. Stay tuned for more details next month.

Okay, that's the end of another edition of TkdTimes. Please share TkdTimes with your friends in martial arts. I want to reach as many martial arts enthusiasts as I can. We are a strong community with a great deal to share together.

"Accept the ways of others. Respect first your own." and"Would it not truly offering first respect?"-Master Kan from "Kung Fu" of television fame

To Your Success...

Kam sa ham ni dah,


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