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South Texas Open Taekwondo/Gumdo Championships 2013

by GM Joe Giampietro
(San Antonio, TX USA)

South Texas Open Tae Kwon Do Championships
Dear Competitors, Families and Friends:

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the South Texas Open Tae Kwon Do/ Gumdo Championships. Each year we strive to bring you the best of martial arts competition wrapped in a fun and positive atmosphere for everyone. Whether it is your first competition or you are a seasoned competitor there is a place for you here.

All of our rings are equipped with WTF approved mats and electronic scoring systems to provide the best platform for competitors to perform to their highest potential. All divisions will be broken into groups of four competitors to ensure everyone has a great competition experience. We provide foam sparring swords and helmets for anyone who would like to test their skill and a great time at koryo gumdo sparring. Anyone can compete in gumdo sparring with no prior experience!

I welcome each of you to show off your skills and enjoy the spirit of the martial arts here in the Alamo city. See you there.

For more info: 210-558-9644 Master Michael J Giampietro

28 September 2013, San Antonio College, Starts 9:30am


Grandmaster Joe Giampietro, 8th Dan WTF
President, National School of Martial Arts

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