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Tae kwon do clipart FREE tae kwon do clip art
I have assembled 120 pieces of martial arts clip art like this one:
that I will give you access to for FREE.
Step 1
To receive access, just join our email list with a current email address and your first name at top right of this page. I will add you to The Taekwondo Network clipart list.
Step 2
On the flip side, after sign up you receive a confirmation email. On that email is a confirmation link for the protected tae kwon do clip art sanctuary that is now up to 50 pieces of FREE clipart.So jazz up your documents for school or the kids and enjoy!
Step 3
Just click on the link in your email which takes you to the protected page. And voila!
-Victor Frankl
Did you know...

Originally, a student received a white belt only.
You never wash a belt!
Through years of training, the white belt would become soiled with dirt, grime and blood becoming darker and hence a black belt.
Ranks are Awarded
Tae kwon do belt system ranks are earned and awarded based on two factors.
- Skill level
- Time training at that level
All styles of tae kwon do have constraints about how long a student must remain at a certain level before advancing.

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