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A tae kwon do woman often has her first exposure to the art when looking for martial arts lessons for her kids.

One Tae kwon do Woman
Let me offer some observations and advice for female martial artists at various stages of training.
Beginning the study of tae kwon do as a toddler is vastly different than at 38 (the age I began training).
I train with teenagers and young women that have lots of enthusiasm and often not enough discipline.
I train other tae kwon do moms and with many women who are grandmothers enjoying retirement!
My Story
-Maya Angelou

Close to half of all high school athletes are now girls.
The benefits of sports training for girls is extraordinary.
Sports has a positive effect on all aspects of a young woman's life.
A tae kwon do woman begins as a tae kwon do girl.
Women and girls under the age of 25 have a wonderful head start.

The family that kicks together sticks together.

Tae kwon do is a family activity.
Women and girls under the age of 25 have a wonderful head start.
Once we pass the age of 25 life often begins to change. We may get married and/or have children. Maybe we have finally finished college, begining that long dreamed of career.Whatever stage of life we are in, the age of 25 to 40 brings many changes for a tae kwon do woman.
Women 25-40 have many demands on their time. A healthy lifestyle should always be part of life.

So much wisdom can be gained from training with the 40-60+ taekwondo woman.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying that if you're over 45 you are a senior citizen. Far from it. But I can tell you from personal experience, that once we get past 40, our bodies don't respond in the same way anymore.
Women over 40 sometimes have special challenges in training, and sticking with it will make you younger!

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