Ying Yang

Taekwondo Information

Tae kwon do Volunteer

A Taekwondo Volunteer Instructor | 'To teach is to learn.'

Tae kwon do volunteer instructors can make a school a great place to learn.

Many black belt students participate in the teaching process as volunteers in order to pass on what they have learned and help you get the most benefit from your training.

All black belts should spend some time teaching in the classroom as a way to give back and nurture their juniors. It is a great way to further your own tae kwon do training.

The volunteer teaching I have done expanded my knowledge of technique many times over.

When you teach others what you have learned, you discover a sense of joy in helping them reach their goals. You also learn that you must know the subject very well in order to teach it to others.

Students should not only try volunteer teaching at their school, but they should also be patient with taekwondo volunteer instructors in the do jang.

These fellow students are trying to help you and learn from you at the same time. If teaching is not your calling, then trying it can make you nervous and unsure of your skills. Remember to help each other so we can all become better taekwondoists.

A student should have permission from their Masters before teaching others.

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"If every American donated five hours a week, it would equal the labor of 20 million full-time volunteers."
~Whoopi Goldberg

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