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How to get your kids to practice at home
I took two of my three sons who were 10 and 7 years old at the time (my 3 year old had no interest) to the closest martial arts school in my area.
I didn't give any thought to whether it was the right school, it was close and that's all I cared about. It also happened to be a traditional tae kwon do school.
My boys were very excited to start karate class (common mistake which makes tae kwon do enthusiasts cringe). I signed them up and we started attending class every week.
After a month of watching their classes intently, trying to memorize the lessons so I could help them practice at home, I began to think, "This is fun."
It didn't take long to go from this is fun to "I want to try it." One mention of the slightest interest to the Grandmaster had me in his office being interviewed. Before I knew it, I was signed up to go to classes twice a week, a tae kwon do woman.
Anyone who starts something new feels some level of nervousness. But putting on those oversized white pajamas that they called a uniform for the first time is where it started.
Walking barefoot from the changing room, across the cold floor, to the gym dojang and actually entering my first class made me as nervous as anything I've ever had to do.
There is something intimidating about the whole process.

Stay at Home Mom?
Not exactly!
SAHM turns Warrior
I was a stay-at-home mom so there was plenty of time during the day to go to class.
That was good because it didn't interfere with my family schedule in the evenings when most tae kwon do classes occur.
My sons were attending twice a week. Twice a week is a minimum if you want to progress in your training.
I began at two times a week myself. It wasn't long before twice became 3 days a week. Before 6 months had gone by, I was completely hooked, a tae kwon do woman attending class Monday-Friday.
Within the next year, I began to volunteer teach every Sunday which I continued for about 1 1/2 years.
Am I obsessed? No. Driven maybe, but not obsessed.
I have tried to maintain my physical fitness all my life. I had diligently and regularly gone to aerobics classes, step classes, sliding, jogging every morning, biking several times a week. I even learned to weight-lift in college.
These activities served me well through my twenties and after the birth of each of my three sons.
Nothing and I mean nothing has ever put me in as good a physical condition as tae kwon do.
Back to Womans Tae kwon do Page
Want to know more about how I started this website. I clearly have a passion for Tae kwon do but I couldn't figure out how to stay home with my kids and make money at the same time.
Then it hit me...Start a website!
I figured people must make money with websites or they wouldn't spend all the time on them. So I am turning my passion into a business. And I did it with SBI.

Click the banner and find out how you can be a work at home mom by starting your own internet business like I have. That's one tae kwon do woman my story.
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