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United States Chung Do Kwan Assoc. Nationals

by Master Z
(Palm Coast, FL)

US Chung Do Kwan Association

US Chung Do Kwan Association

Taekwondo Tournament information for upcoming event in Florida, USA

July 17th & 18th ,2009 Lakeland center...Lakeland Florida for more Info go USCDKA.com

Side Note:

Master Z,

I was just in Lakeland, Florida on May 31st to attend the High School graduation of the daughter of a great friend.

Additionally, I watched a film 2 nights ago about Florida Southern West Campus which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

I'm a great admirer of FLW and studied him in college while earning a degree in Architectural Engineering.

I can't wait to get back to Lakeland so I can visit Florida Southern. I'm driving down July 18th but won't actually reach your area until after the tournament ends. Maybe next time.



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